Digital skills are unavoidable. Therefore, for the past 1½ years, we have been systematically working on integrating IT literacy and digital competence into Danish language teaching at DU2. Our goal is to develop new methods and didactics so that students learn Danish using IT as a tool. This ranges from gaining control over a mousepad to effective feedback and collaborative learning. And it all contributes to providing students with many more opportunities for action and empowerment 💪.
The teachers have developed a best practice, which is a clear benefit for the students and the contexts where they can begin to act as digital citizens. We have learned so much!
At our webinar on August 25, 2023, we shared our experiences with colleagues from various language centers. Thank you for your interest and engagement 🌺.
We would like to thank the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) for project funding, Louise Tranekjær from RUC for valuable guidance and help with focus, the stakeholder group at Sprogcenter Midt, Dorit Ahler, Lisbet Hjort, Mette Villadsgaard Toft, and Julie Holst Rasmussen, as well as all the teachers and students who have worked tirelessly.